Tuesday, September 11, 2018

How to Enable Database Table Logging and analyze the log records using Transaction Code SCU3

You can log the changes of data like append, modification or delete fields in a table.
When you create your transparent table, you can go to the technical settings screen and set the flag "Log data changes". 
SE11 -> Technical Settings -> tick the Log data changes
Remember that you must have the parameter rec/client set in the system profile. 
RZ10 - Extended Maintenance
  • rec/client = ALL (log all clients)
  • rec/client = 000(,...) (log all specified clients)
  • rec/client = OFF (do not log)
You can see the changes to the table in the transaction OY18 or SCU3.
Logging is independent of update. Obviously, it will slow down the accesses when you change the table as record have to be written into the log table for each change.

Steps to be followed:
1)     Check if your SAP R/3 system has the logging option enabled or not
This is very important step because if it is disabled and if you activate the table logging in Technical Settings for any table, it won’t log the data changes to that table.
In order to verify if our R/3 System has the table logging flag set or not, we can use the REPORT  RSPARAM which displays all profiles in the system with their values.

The parameter rec/client is used for controlling table logging at R/3 system level.

3)     Enable LOG DATA CHANGES FLAG in Technical Settings of Table using SE13
In this step, set the Log data changes flag for the tables that we want to have logged. Once this enabled, the table log changes will be logged in the table DBTABPRT.

4)     Check logs using the transaction SCU3.
Finally, if there are any data changes made to the customizing table, we can view the logs.

In case, the given selection criteria (Date Range, Table Name) does not contain any data changes, it will show the result as follows:

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